OM Samaj Dental Hospital


ओरल क्यान्सर: कारण, लक्षण, रोकथाम र उपचार

ओरल क्यान्सर (मुखको क्यान्सर) भनेको मुखको कुनै पनि भागमा हुने क्यान्सर हो। यसले जिब्रो, गिजा, गाला, तालु, ओठ तथा घाँटीलाई असर गर्न सक्छ। नेपालमा पनि यो रोगको दर बढ्दै गएको छ, विशेष गरी सुर्तीजन्य पदार्थको अत्यधिक प्रयोगका कारण

ओरल क्यान्सरको मुख्य कारणहरू

ओरल क्यान्सर विभिन्न कारणले हुन सक्छ, जसमा निम्न प्रमुख कारणहरू छन्:

  1. सुर्तीजन्य पदार्थको प्रयोग – चुरोट, गुटखा, पान, खैनी, जर्दा आदिको अत्यधिक प्रयोगले मुखको क्यान्सरको सम्भावना बढाउँछ।
  2. अत्यधिक मदिरा सेवन – रक्सी पिउने बानी भएका व्यक्तिहरूमा ओरल क्यान्सरको जोखिम बढी हुन्छ।
  3. एचपीभी (HPV) संक्रमण – मानव प्यापिलोमा भाइरस (HPV) संक्रमणले पनि मुखको क्यान्सरको सम्भावना वृद्धि गर्छ।
  4. खराब मौखिक सरसफाइ – मुखको राम्रो हेरचाह नगर्ने, कडा ब्रस नगर्ने, तथा किटाणु जम्मा हुने अवस्थाले क्यान्सरको सम्भावना बढाउन सक्छ।
  5. धेरै घाममा बस्ने बानी – सूर्यको पराबैजनी किरण (UV rays) को अत्यधिक सम्पर्कमा आउँदा ओठको क्यान्सर हुने सम्भावना रहन्छ।
  6. अस्वस्थकर खानपान – भिटामिन A, C, र E को कमी भएको खानाले रोग प्रतिरोधात्मक क्षमता कमजोर पार्छ, जसले क्यान्सरको सम्भावना बढाउँछ।
  7. पारिवारिक इतिहास – यदि परिवारका कसैलाई ओरल क्यान्सर भएको छ भने, सोही परिवारका सदस्यहरूमा पनि जोखिम उच्च हुन सक्छ।

ओरल क्यान्सरका लक्षणहरू

ओरल क्यान्सरको सुरुवाती चरणमा कुनै विशेष दुखाइ वा लक्षण नदेखिन सक्छ, तर निम्न लक्षणहरू देखा परेमा तुरुन्तै चिकित्सकलाई देखाउनु आवश्यक छ:

  • मुख वा जिब्रोमा ननिको हुने घाउ वा खटिरा
  • मुखको कुनै पनि भागमा रातो वा सेतो दाग देखिनु
  • खानपान वा निल्न गाह्रो हुनु
  • आवाज परिवर्तन हुनु वा निरन्तर घाँटी दुख्नु
  • जिब्रो, गिजा वा गालामा अकडिनु वा सुन्निनु
  • मुखभित्र वा घाँटीमा गिर्खा वा गाँठो देखा पर्नु
  • विना कारण दाँत झर्नु
  • मुख वा ओठमा निरन्तर दुखाइ वा जलेको अनुभव हुनु

ओरल क्यान्सरको रोकथामका उपायहरू

ओरल क्यान्सरबाट जोगिन विभिन्न उपायहरू अपनाउन सकिन्छ:

  1. सुर्तीजन्य पदार्थ तथा मदिरा सेवन नगर्ने।
  2. स्वस्थ खानपान अपनाउने। भिटामिनयुक्त तथा पोषणयुक्त खाना खानु आवश्यक छ।
  3. मुखको सरसफाइ राम्रो गर्ने। नियमित रूपमा ब्रस गर्ने, फ्लस गर्ने तथा मुख कुल्ला गर्ने बानी बसाल्ने।
  4. एचपीभी (HPV) विरुद्धको खोप लगाउने।
  5. लामो समय घाममा नबस्ने वा सनस्क्रिन प्रयोग गर्ने।
  6. नियमित रूपमा डेन्टल चेकअप गर्ने।

ओरल क्यान्सरको उपचार

ओरल क्यान्सर चाँडै पत्ता लागेमा उपचार सम्भव हुन्छ। उपचारका विधिहरूमा निम्न पर्दछन्:

  • शल्यक्रिया (Surgery): क्यान्सर ग्रस्त कोषहरू हटाउने प्रक्रिया।
  • रेडियोथेरापी (Radiotherapy): क्यान्सर कोशिकाहरूलाई नष्ट गर्न रेडिएसनको प्रयोग।
  • किमोथेरापी (Chemotherapy): क्यान्सर हटाउन औषधिको प्रयोग।
  • इम्युनोथेरापी (Immunotherapy): शरीरको प्रतिरक्षा प्रणालीलाई बलियो बनाएर क्यान्सरको सामना गर्ने विधि।


ओरल क्यान्सर एक गम्भीर रोग हो, जसको मुख्य कारण अस्वस्थ जीवनशैली र सुर्तीजन्य पदार्थको सेवन हो। यस रोगबाट बच्न स्वस्थकर बानीहरू अपनाउनु जरुरी छ। यदि कुनै लक्षण देखा परेमा तुरुन्तै डाक्टरको सल्लाह लिनुपर्छ, किनभने प्रारम्भिक चरणमा पत्ता लागेमा उपचारको सम्भावना धेरै उच्च हुन्छ।

स्वस्थ रहौं, सतर्क बनौं!


“Om Samaj Dental Hospital and Nepal Cancer Prevention Foundation sign MOU to enhance healthcare access and promote public awareness.”

An important Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) has been signed between Om Samaj Dental Hospital, Nepal Cancer Prevention Foundation (NCP), with the aim of promoting healthcare services. On behalf of Om Samaj Dental Hospital, Chairman Dr. Subhash Ghimire and Mohammad Sajjan Siddiqui Manager signed the agreement. On behalf of Nepal Cancer Prevention Foundation, Chairman Hari Gopal Pradhan and Senior Vice President Nirnaya Shrestha signed the document.

According to the agreement, Om Samaj Dental Hospital will provide special discounts on dental services to the executive members, board members, staff, and their dependent families of NCP. Additionally, the hospital has agreed to provide free dental treatment to individuals from economically disadvantaged backgrounds.

The signing ceremony of the agreement was attended by Om Samaj Dental Hospital’s Digital Content and Brand Designer Sriju Adhikari, as well as Patient Relation Counselor Shanta Aryal. The presence of Vice President Sagar Katwal and Chief Program Officer Sudina Shrestha from Nepal Cancer Prevention Foundation was also significant.

During the event, both organizations also discussed conducting health camps in various locations across Nepal. Dr. Subhash Ghimire, Chairman of Om Samaj Dental Hospital, expressed confidence that this collaboration would make dental healthcare more accessible and contribute to cancer prevention and public awareness. Hari Gopal, Chairman of NCP, highlighted that the initiative to provide free treatment to economically disadvantaged groups is a very positive step.

Om Samaj Dental Hospital has been making significant contributions to dental healthcare with state-of-the-art equipment and a team of specialists, while Nepal Cancer Prevention Foundation has been providing cancer prevention and essential support to patients. This agreement is believed to pave the way for advancing the objectives of both organizations.


Gorkha Free Dental Camp

At Om Samaj Dental Hospital, we feel that a healthy smile is one of the most valuable presents we can give. That’s why we recently held a Free Dental Camp to provide important dental care services to people in need in our community. The camp was a huge success, and we’re excited to share the experience with you! Oral health is important not just for having a beautiful smile, but also for general wellness. Regular checkups, cleanings, and prompt treatments can help prevent many oral health problems, but many people have limited access to dental care. Many people do not receive the care they require, whether due to financial constraints, a lack of time, or simply not knowing where to begin.

That’s why we decided to hold a Free Dental Camp to make dental care available to everyone, regardless of financial circumstances. We wanted to raise awareness about the importance of oral hygiene and make sure that no one falls behind in caring for their teeth.

The Free Dental Camp was held in Gorkha District from Mangsir 7 to Mangsir 13, in the villages of Deurali, Saurpani, and Bachchek, and we were overwhelmed by the community’s great response. Over 983 people from all walks of life came, many of whom hadn’t had access to dental care in years.

. Our team of professional dentists and hygienists provided a variety of essential services, including:

  • Teeth Cleanings and Polishing: We performed professional cleanings for 275 patients, removing plaque and tartar, and leaving everyone with brighter, healthier smiles.
  • Tooth Extractions: For those needing immediate relief, we successfully completed 254 tooth extractions, helping people regain comfort and improve their oral health.
  • Dental Fillings and Restorations: 191 patients received dental fillings and restorations to address cavities and improve the function and aesthetics of their teeth.

Spreading Awareness: Prevention is Better than Treatment
One of the most important activities during the dental camp was to spread awareness among the people about preventive care. Simple steps, such as brushing your teeth twice a day, flossing, and visiting the dentist regularly, will help avoid most dental problems. We also encouraged all to reduce sugary snacks, refrain from smoking, and keep their bodies well-hydrated, as this will go a long way in maintaining healthy teeth.

Gratitude and Impact
We are so very grateful to all who participated in making the Free Dental Camp such a success, including our dedicated team of dental professionals, volunteers, and local partners. The positive impact was so evident in the smiles we saw throughout the day—both from the people we served and our team members.

Looking Ahead: More Camps in the Future
This dental camp was just the beginning. We’re excited to announce that we plan to host more free dental camps in the future, reaching even more individuals who need dental care but can’t afford it. Stay tuned for updates on our upcoming events, and be sure to follow us for the latest news and information.

If you missed this event but would like to receive dental care or learn more about our services, don’t hesitate to contact us. We are here to help!

ओम समाज डेन्टल हस्पिटलसँग मिल्दो जुल्दो नाम भएका अन्य डेन्टल हस्पिटल र क्लिनिक सँग नझुक्किनु होला ।

Naikap, Kathmandu (नैकाप काठमाडौं): 01-4312991 / 01-4312992 ( ०१-४३१२९९१ / ०१-४३१२९९२)

Gopikrishna, Chabahil (गोपी कृष्ण मार्ग चाबहिल , काठमाडौँ): 01-4573444 / 01-4810035 ( ०१ – ४५७३४४४ / ०१-४८१००३५)

Bardibas, Mahottari (बर्दिवास, महोत्तरी) : 044-550365 / 9851312417( ०४४-५५०३६५ / ९८५१३१२४१७ )

Banasthali, Kathmandu( वनस्थली काठमाडौं): 01-5906792, 9851355342 (०१-५९०६७९२,९८५१३५५३४२)


Sindhupalchowk Free Dental Camp

Event Title: Dental Camp in Sindhupalchowk
Organized by: Om Samaj Dental Hospital
Coordination Partner: Women Empowerment and Children Development Society
Location: Jugal Rural Municipality, Sindhupalchowk
Dates: Ashoj 7 & 8, 2081

This report elucidates the multifaceted endeavors undertaken during a two-day dental camp orchestrated by Om Samaj Dental Hospital in collaboration with the Women Empowerment and Children Development Society. The initiative aimed to ameliorate dental health within the Sindhupalchowk community, offering essential services and fostering awareness about oral hygiene. Over the course of the camp, an impressive total of 900+ dental treatments were administered, including extractions, scaling, and fillings, thereby underscoring the critical need for accessible healthcare in underprivileged regions.
1. Introduction
Oral health constitutes an indispensable facet of overall well-being, yet numerous rural communities remain deprived of adequate dental care services. Recognizing this glaring disparity, Om Samaj Dental Hospital has taken the proactive step of organizing a two-day dental camp in Sindhupalchowk, in concert with the Women Empowerment and Children Development Society. This initiative specifically targets vulnerable demographics, with a pronounced emphasis on women and children, and aspires to cultivate a culture of oral health awareness while delivering requisite dental treatments.
1.1 Background
Sindhupalchowk, characterized by its challenging geography and scant healthcare infrastructure, presents a significant barrier to accessing dental care. The camp sought to transcend these obstacles by providing complimentary dental services and educational outreach, thereby contributing to the enhancement of community health.
1.2 Objectives
The principal objectives of this dental camp are articulated as follows:
To furnish free dental check-ups and treatments to the local populace.
To elevate awareness concerning the paramount importance of oral health and hygiene.
To empower women and children through the provision of accessible and quality healthcare services.

2. Methodology

2.1 Planning and Coordination
The preparatory phase encompassed extensive deliberations and strategic coordination with local authorities, community leaders, and the Women Empowerment and Children Development Society. Comprehensive outreach efforts were implemented through various local channels, ensuring that the community was well-informed regarding the camp’s offerings.
2.2 Logistics
Venue Selection: The inaugural day of the camp was held at the Jugal Rural Municipality’s building, which served as an accessible venue for community members. The subsequent day was conducted at a local school, facilitating enhanced participation from families and children.
Team Composition: A cadre of qualified dental professionals, adept volunteers, and logistical support staff was assembled to ensure the seamless execution of the camp’s operations.
Materials and Equipment: A meticulous inventory of dental equipment, instruments, and educational materials was procured in advance, ensuring that all necessary resources were available for effective patient care.
2.3 Treatment Protocol
Each participant underwent a comprehensive dental examination, with treatments rendered based on individual needs and priorities. Patients were systematically categorized according to their specific dental requirements, thereby facilitating efficient management of time and resources.
3. Event Overview
Day 1: Jugal Rural Municipality Building
Date: Ashoj 07, 2081
Location: Jugal Rural Municipality Building
The inaugural day of the camp commenced with an opening ceremony that drew attendance from local dignitaries, community representatives, and the organizing team. The ceremony underscored the significance of the event and set the tone for the forthcoming activities.
Activities Conducted
Dental Check-Ups: An estimated 400 individuals availed themselves of free dental check-ups, ensuring that a broad segment of the population benefited from the camp.
Treatments Provided:
Extractions: A total of 150+ teeth were extracted, addressing acute dental issues that necessitated immediate intervention.
Scaling: Over 130 scaling procedures were performed to mitigate plaque and tartar accumulation, thereby enhancing oral health.
Fillings: 100+ fillings were administered, restoring both functionality and aesthetics to
Day 2: Local School
Date: Ashoj 08, 2081
Location: Shree Navajyoti Primary School, Jugal Rural Municipality
On the second day, the camp transitioned to a local school, strategically targeting a younger demographic and facilitating family participation. This setting allowed for a more interactive approach to dental health education.
Activities Conducted
Dental Treatments: The same range of treatments was offered, with particular emphasis placed on addressing the dental needs of children.
Interactive Workshops: Engaging and interactive activities, including educational games and quizzes, were conducted to instill knowledge about oral hygiene in an enjoyable manner.
Follow-Up Care: Attendees were provided with comprehensive information regarding follow-up appointments at Om Samaj Dental Hospital, ensuring continuity of care for those requiring additional treatment.
4. Outcomes
4.1 Summary of Treatments
Total Patients Treated: The camp successfully treated over 900 individuals, demonstrating a substantial engagement from the community.
Breakdown of Treatments:
Extractions: 350+
Scalings: 400+
Fillings: 100+
4.2 Community Engagement
The camp fostered considerable community engagement, attracting a diverse demographic. Feedback collected from participants revealed a profound appreciation for the services rendered, with many attendees expressing a desire for continued healthcare initiatives in the future.
4.3 Educational Impact
Participants reported a notable increase in awareness regarding dental health practices. Many individuals articulated a commitment to adopting improved oral hygiene routines, influenced by the educational materials and sessions provided during the camp.
5. Community Feedback
Feedback collected through structured surveys and informal discussions illuminated the following sentiments:
Accessibility: Community members expressed immense gratitude for the provision of complimentary dental care, which significantly alleviated financial and logistical barriers.
8. Acknowledgments
We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all volunteers, local leaders, and partners who played an instrumental role in the success of this camp. Special appreciation is due to the Women Empowerment and Children Development Society for their invaluable support and coordination throughout the initiative.


Om Samaj Dental Hospital Free Dental Camp

On 2081/06/06, Om Samaj Dental Hospital Bardibas branch collaborated with Florance Academy English Bording School Bardibas-14 to provide free oral health checkups.

We at the Om Samaj Dental Hospital

Our primary goal remains unchanged: to give high-quality dental care to the needy and impoverished for free. As a result, our team organizes camps at these non-governmental organizations to meet these needs

On these camps, we carefully examine each individual for oral issues.We then create a database containing the patients’ names and diagnoses. This database is then referred to when we contact them for treatment-specific visits

The sterilization technique is performed in A total of 193 students were seen, with 21 tooth extraction done


ओम समाज डेन्टल हस्पिटलको सहयोगमा प्रजनन स्वास्थ्य शिविर

बर्दिबास नगरपालिका वडा न १४ शिब मन्दिर प्राणनमा सञ्चालन गरिएको दुई दिने निःशुल्क स्वास्थ्य शिविरमा झण्डै ८५९  जनाको स्वास्थ्य परीक्षण भएको छ।

शिविरमा  महोत्तरीको ग्रामीण भेगका धेरै महिला पाठेघारको समस्याबाट पीडित भएका पाइएको छ। उनीहरूको स्वास्थ्य परीक्षण गर्दा पाठेघरको समस्या अत्यासलाग्दो पाइएको हो।

लायन्स क्लब अफ बर्दिबास समाजले बर्दिबासमा आयोजना गरेको दुईदिने महिलाका लागि प्रजनन स्वास्थ्य शिविरबाट यो पुष्टि भएको हो। समाजले  लायन्स क्लब अफ काठमाडौ ईन्द्र अन्नपूर्ण योगा एबम ओम समाज डेन्टल हस्पिटलको सहयोग तथा सामुदायिक सेवा प्रतिष्ठान भक्तपुरको प्राविधिक सहयोगमा चैत्र ४ गते आइतबार र ५ गते सोमबार सञ्चालन गरेको शिविरमा परीक्षण गरिएका आठ सय ५९ मध्ये दुई सय दुईजनाको पाठेघरमा गम्भीर समस्या पाइएको छ।

शिविरमा परीक्षण गरिएकामध्ये ३३ जनामा क्यान्सर र ४२ जनामा आङ खस्ने समस्या देखिएको थियो ।

शिविरमा तीन सय ५० जनाको दोस्रो चरणको सूक्ष्म जाँच गरिएको जनाइएको छ। क्यान्सरको सङ्क्रमण भएमध्ये १९ जना २२ देखि ४० वर्ष उमेरसमूहका छन्। शिविरमा आङ खस्ने समस्याको प्रथम र दोस्रो चरणका १६ जनालाई ‘रिङ’ लगाइएको समाजका अध्यक्ष उमेश महतोले बताए।

क्यान्सर लागेकामध्ये आठ जना, आङ खस्ने समस्याको तेस्रो चरणका २६ जनालाई शल्यक्रिया गरिनुपर्ने चिकित्सकले सुझाएका छन्। यिनीहरूको शल्यक्रिया काठमाडौँका अस्पतालमा निःशुल्क गराइने शिविरको प्राविधिक सहयोगी संस्था सामुदायिक सेवा प्रतिष्ठान भक्तपुरले जनाएको छ।

शिविरमा क्यान्सर सङ्क्रमण पुष्टि भएका ३३ मध्ये २५ लाई यहीँ नै प्रारम्भिक उपचार थालिएको छ। प्रारम्भिक चरणको सङ्क्रमण पाइएकाहरूको औषधीय उपचार गरिएको र यिनीहरूले पाँचौँ महिनामा पुनः परीक्षण गर्नुपर्ने छ।

बर्दिबास नगरपालिका  उपमेयरको प्रमुख अथित्यमा सम्पन्न भएको कार्यक्रममा बिसिस्ट अतिथि बरिस्ठ दन्त चिकित्सक तथा ओम समाज डेन्टल हस्पिटलका अधक्ष्य डा सुभाष घिमिरे,लाएन्स क्लब अफ बर्दिबास का अध्यक्ष  उमेश कुमार महतो लगाएत अतिथि मा वार्ड अध्यक्ष ,इलाका प्रहरी प्रमुख बिजय यादव ,बर्दिबास उध्योग  वाणिज्य सङ को अध्यक्ष को समेत उपस्थिति रहेको थियो ।


Is Fluoride Good or Bad for Teeth?

Fluoride is a naturally occurring mineral which is helpful in protecting against dental cavities. However, the excessive consumption of fluoride can have deleterious effects on teeth and overall human health.

Why do we need to add fluoride to tap water and toothpaste?

Children from low-income families are more likely to get cavities, mostly because their water supplies don’t contain enough fluoride. Tooth decay is five times more common in these kids. Adding fluoride to the water supply is one strategy to prevent cavities in children from disadvantaged backgrounds.

Some people are more prone to dental cavities than others. In these situations, the dentist applies fluoride directly to the tooth surface in an effort to prevent cavities. For self-application, fluoride varnishes or gels are also offered. Cavities are more common in people with salivary flow, and fluoride treatment may help avoid cavities in these people.

What are the adverse effects of fluoride on dental health?

Some areas have a naturally high concentration of fluoride in the water supply. Excessive levels of fluoride lead to dental fluorosis. Fluorosis results in the appearance of white chalky spots on the tooth surface because of hypomineralization. This results in enamel opacities and the teeth appear aesthetically unpleasant.

Fluorosis occurs when children consume high amounts of fluoride especially at the stage of tooth development. However, the intensity of this condition depends on the dose, duration, and timing of fluoride consumption. For instance, with the front teeth of the upper jaw, the most critical period is around the age of 15 to 24 months for boys and 21 to 30 months for girls.

How does fluoride prevent cavities?

A diverse range of cariogenic (cavity-causing) bacteria are present in dental plaque on the surface of the teeth, which accelerates the demineralization and loss of teeth processes. Tooth decay and cavities are caused by these bacteria, which impede teeth’s ability to repair themselves.

Additionally, several clinical studies have shown that fluoride has the ability to prevent cariogenic bacteria, such as Streptococcus mutans, from acting by lowering their production of acid in the oral cavity when it is continuously present at low concentrations.




One kind of aesthetic procedure that reshapes your teeth is gum contouring. Gum contouring typically benefits individuals with “gummy” grins, or overabundance of gum tissue covering their front teeth. In order to expose more tooth surface, contouring is used to eliminate this extra soft tissue. It may contribute to a smile that seems more even and larger.


If your grin is “gummy” or short, gum contouring may be necessary or desired. The process aids in removing extra soft tissue to expose a full, healthy smile underneath. Adults and pediatric patients can both benefit from contouring when necessary. Before undergoing subsequent treatments, such as the placement of a complete dental crown, you might need gum contouring.


To ascertain whether and when you might require professional gum contouring, we conduct an examination. The majority of individuals who require this operation can visit our office in a secure manner. Your smile will appear larger and healthier thanks to gum contouring. It can serve as restorative as well as cosmetic.


Depending on the situation, we start by giving a local or general anesthetic. Next, we employ specialized techniques and tools to extract the extra gum tissue. Depending on your particular demands, stitches could or might not be necessary. To make the gum tissue around the teeth appear even and natural, we meticulously shape it. In roughly a week, your gums will recover, and you’ll have a whiter, more complete smile. We are able to treat adults and children using this technique. We can assess whether gum contouring is necessary for you and, if so, what kind of treatment plan will work best to reveal a broader, healthier smile through a consultation and examination.



A smile makeover, or full mouth reconstruction, is intended to improve your smile and restore oral function. Full mouth reconstruction is individually tailored to your needs and budget, regardless of how many teeth you are missing or how you feel about the way your smile appears right now. Our mission is to enhance your quality of life while giving you the smile you’ve always desired.


If one or more of your teeth are missing, you could want or need complete mouth reconstruction. If your smile isn’t what you want it to be and you’re ready for a change, this treatment option can be beneficial to you. Some patients decide to have a smile makeover in preparation for a significant event, such as a wedding. Some decide to get a professional smile makeover to increase their self-esteem and enhance their capacity to eat their favorite meals.


The course of treatment for each patient receiving a smile makeover will vary. You might not benefit from what works for someone else. This is the reason that before creating a treatment plan for a smile makeover, we always conduct an examination and speak with our patients. Among the most popular treatments performed during a smile makeover are:

•              Dental implants

•              Amalgam filling removal

•              Inlays and on lays

•              Veneers

•              Bonding

•              Whitening

•              Crowns and bridge work

•              Orthodontic treatment


Our makeover process starts with a consultation, examination, and set of x-rays. This enables us to design a customized treatment strategy that is appropriate for you. Next, we set up a time for you to start the necessary procedures to straighten and enhance your smile. While some patients only need a few weeks and multiple appointments for smile makeovers, others will require more involved procedures. We constantly design treatment programs for our patients that fit within their allocated spending limits and are reasonably priced.

Give our office a call now if you’re interested in a smile makeover and want to get the process started so we can assist you set up a consultation appointment.


ओम समाज डेन्टल हस्पिटलद्वारा स्वास्थ सामाग्री बितरण

ओम समाज डेन्टल हस्पिटलले आफ्नो उत्तरदायित्व अन्तर्गत गौरीबास स्वास्थ चौकीलाई स्वास्थ सामाग्री वितरण गरेको छ ।

 लायन्स क्लब अफ बर्दिबास समाज को आयोजनामा ओम समाज डेन्टल हस्पिटलको सहयोगमा स्वस्थ सामाग्री सहयोग गरिएको हो ।  

कार्यक्रममा डा.सुभास घिमिरे, लायन्स क्लब अफ बर्दिबास समाजका अधक्ष्य उमेस कुमार महतो,लायन्स क्लब अफ बर्दिबास समाजका पधाधिकारी लगाएत थुप्रै बिसिस्ट व्यक्तिको सहभागीता रहेको थियो ।

कोही व्यक्ति पनि दन्त उपचारबाट बन्चित हुन् नपरोस, सबै माझ सुलभ सेवा पुगोस् भन्ने उद्देश्यले संचालित यस हस्पिटलले आफ्नो सामाजिक उत्तरदायित्व अन्तर्गत उपत्यका भित्र बाहिर वर्षेपिच्छे पटकपटक निःशुल्क दन्त शिबिर तथा दन्त स्वास्थ मुलक कार्यक्रमहरु गर्दै आईरहेको यस हस्पिटलले असाहाए,अपांग हरुलाई सहयोग गर्दै आइरहेको छ ।

ओम समाज डेन्टल अस्पताल आफ्नो सेवा, अत्याधुनिक उपचार बिधि, व्यवस्थापन, विश्वस्तरीय प्रविधि, विरामी मैत्री पूर्वाधार, आफ्नै हस्पिटलको भवन, प्रसस्त पार्किंग सुबिधा, दन्त स्वास्थ मुलक कार्यक्रमहरु तथा अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय मापदण्डको सही व्यवस्थापन र दक्ष चिकित्सकका कारण अस्पताल आम जनमानसको मन मस्तिस्कमा बस्न सफल भएको छ ।